张学友 – And Then She Hit Me – 歌曲的含义

(AIGC) 张学友《And Then She Hit Me》 歌词及评论赏析(AIGC)

, surprise, my girl was already there
With a guy I didn’t know, and they were getting quite the pair
I tried to keep my cool, but I knew I had to act fast
So I walked right up to them and I said, “You two having a blast?”
She turned to me and said, “Oh, don’t be jealous, babe”
But I could see right through her lies, and I knew I had to escape
And then she hit me, with her words and her lies
And then she hit me, with the truth behind her eyes
I realized then and there, that she wasn’t worth the pain
And I walked right out the door, and I never looked back again


这首歌的歌词充满了情感和情绪,通过男主角的内心独白,展示了他的愤怒、失望和痛苦。歌词中的“Then she had the nerve to say the words that I should click and go”表现了女友的傲慢和无情,而男主角的回应则表现了他的坚强和自尊心。

歌词中的“And then she hit me”是一个重复的主题,表达了男主角被女友的背叛和谎言打击的感觉。这个主题的重复和强调,让听众更加深入地感受到男主角的痛苦和心理变化。
