ing new
Well your name ain’t on the guest list
Who brung you, you
The more famous person you come through
And the sexy lady next to you
You come to party with a black sheep crew
I’m in the bathroom trying to take a poo
Trying to pee trying to take a poo
They won’t let me out they won’t let me out
I’m locked up they won’t let me out
Locked up they won’t let me out
I’m locked up they won’t let me out
No, they won’t let me out
I’m locked up they won’t let me out
Locked up they won’t let me out
I’m locked up they won’t let me out
No, they won’t let me out
这首歌叫做“超级巨星”,是由Lupe Fiasco和Matthew Santos合作的。歌词中充满了对名利场的讽刺和对自我认知的思考。歌曲开头就提出了一个问题,“如果你是你说的那个超级巨星,那么不必害怕,镜头和麦克风在这里,他们想知道”,这是对那些自视甚高的名人的讽刺。接下来,歌手自我反思,想要相信自己的炒作,但却发现这是不真实的。他们追求名利,却被世界打倒在了膝盖上。歌词中还有一些幽默的插曲,比如歌手在厕所里尝试上厕所,但被锁在了里面,这是对名人生活中的尴尬和无奈的描写。总之,这首歌通过对名利场的讽刺和自我反思,让人们看到了名人生活中的另一面,是一首很有思考性的歌曲。