影视音乐集锦 – To Where You Are (Al – 歌曲的含义

it to the world, who doesn’t know what life is)

《Sogno(Dream)》是一首由Andrea Bocelli演唱的歌曲,它是一首充满浪漫和温馨的歌曲,歌词中表达了对爱情的向往和坚定的信仰。歌词中的“Go then, I will wait for you”表达了对爱人的守候和等待,而“flowers in the garden will mark your absence”则展现了离别的悲伤。歌曲中的“Of my love you are so sure, so sure you can take it with you”表达了对爱情坚定的信仰,无论何时都可以带着爱走向未来。而“you can show it to the world, who doesn’t know what life is”则表达了对爱情的珍视和对生命的理解。整首歌曲充满了梦幻和浪漫的气息,令人陶醉其中。