许慧欣 – Anything Goes – 歌曲的含义

fan of this particular cover of “Anything Goes,” the lyrics themselves are timeless and still relevant today. The opening lines acknowledge how much the world has changed since the Puritans landed on Plymouth Rock, and how even their shock at certain things would pale in comparison to what we see today.

The next few lines about a glimpse of stocking being considered scandalous in olden days and now “anything goes” is a commentary on how social norms and values have shifted over time. The line about good authors now only using four-letter words is a nod to the changing literary landscape and the acceptance of more explicit language in literature.

The chorus, “Anything goes,” is repeated throughout the song, emphasizing the idea that in today’s world, anything is possible and anything is acceptable. The line, “The world has gone mad today,” speaks to the chaos and confusion of the modern world, where good and bad are often blurred and the lines between right and wrong are constantly shifting.

The final lines about women valuing silly gigolos over more substantial men is a critique of contemporary society and its obsession with superficiality and materialism. Overall, “Anything Goes” is a clever and biting commentary on the state of the world and its values, and it remains a relevant and thought-provoking piece of music today.

@@如何评价与理解: 许慧欣《Anything Goes》–来自歌词AI鉴赏(AIGC)