卫兰 – Reality – 歌曲的含义

rful world where I like to be
Fantasy is all that I need
Living in a world of my own creation, where everything is perfect.

这首歌曲《Reality》是卫兰的一首经典作品,歌词中充满了浪漫的情感和对梦想的追求。歌词中的“Met you by surprise, I didn’t realize that my life would change forever”这句话,让人感受到爱情的突如其来和它带来的改变。而接下来的“Dreams are my reality, The only real kind of real fantasy”则表达了对梦想的向往和追求。

歌曲中的旋律柔美动听,加上卫兰温柔的嗓音,让人感受到爱情的美好和梦想的力量。歌词中的“Fantasy is all that I need, Living in a world of my own creation, where everything is perfect”则表达了对完美世界的向往和对现实世界的不满。
