范玮琪 – No Matter – 歌曲的含义

ws disappear
This is our moment
Let’s hold it tight and clear
For love is what we hear
In every heartbeat
If this is all we have
Let’s make it worth it all
And never fall
No matter where we are
We’ll find our way
Through every day
Cause darling, I don’t care at all
Whatever life has in store
I’ll ask no more
No matter how tomorrow calls

这首歌词充满了浪漫的情感,让人不由自主地陷入其中。歌词中的“Forever has no pace”,表达了爱情的永恒,而“Fire-flies in the air”则让人感受到爱情的美好和神秘。歌词中的“Through every bend, until the end”表达了对爱情的坚定信念,无论经历什么,都会一起走到最后。这种对爱情的执着和坚定,让人感受到了爱情的力量和美好。

歌词中的“Whatever life has in store, I’ll ask no more”表达了对未来的无限期待和信任,无论未来会发生什么,都愿意陪伴对方走过每一个难关。这种对未来的信任和期待,让人感受到了爱情的真谛和力量。
