朴正炫 – gold (album version) – 歌曲的含义

Soft as a petal on a rose
Heard she was pretty as a picture
But when I saw her, she was more
How could an angel break my heart
Why didn’t he catch my falling star
I wish I didn’t wish so hard
Maybe I wished our love apart
I thought that love would conquer all
That nothing could break us apart
I thought that he would be the one
Until the moment when I saw
How could an angel break my heart
Why didn’t he catch my falling star
I wish I didn’t wish so hard
Maybe I wished our love apart
How could an angel break my heart
Why didn’t he catch my falling star
I wish I didn’t wish so hard
Maybe I wished our love apart

这首歌是Toni Braxton的经典之作,歌词表达了一个女人失恋的心情。她听到前男友对另一个女人唱情歌,感到非常痛苦和难过。她曾经以为他们的爱情可以征服一切,但是现在她发现自己错了。她开始怀疑自己是不是太执着了,太过于渴望拥有这份爱情,结果反而让它离她远去。这首歌的旋律非常动人,配合上Kenny G的萨克斯风,更是让人感受到了歌词中的悲伤和无奈。这首歌深刻地描绘了爱情中的挣扎和痛苦,让人们在听歌的过程中感受到了情感的共鸣。