李蔓怡 – 谁的眼泪在飞英文版 – 歌曲的含义

ou let your heart be free
I know we can make it right
Cause your love is all I need
In this world so full of pain
You’re the one who keeps me sane
I’ll give you all my heart
I’ll be yours until the end
I remember the days when we were young
Our love was like a shining sun
I remember the days when we were free
Together we could conquer anything
Don’t wanna be here without your love
Don’t wanna be here all alone
I need to feel your touch tonight my love
Close your eyes and hold me tight
Show me how we could be
If we let our love run wild
I know we can make it last
Cause our love is like a fire
Burning bright for all to see
I’ll give you all my soul
Forever yours, eternally.


歌词中的词语简单而直白,但却传达出深刻的情感。歌手用“Close your eyes my love and hold me tight”、“Show me how we could be”等语句表达了对爱情的渴望和对未来的美好期待。歌曲旋律柔美动听,与歌词相得益彰,让人感受到爱情的美好和力量。这首歌曲充满了浪漫和感性,让人陶醉其中,感受到爱情的美好和温馨。