ewhere in between, not quite here and not quite there. The lyrics of “Home” by Huang Cui Shan perfectly capture the feeling of homesickness and longing for a place where one truly belongs.
The opening lines set the scene of a summer day in Paris or Rome, but even in these beautiful and bustling cities, the singer feels alone and disconnected. She longs to go home, where she can be with the person she misses and feels truly at ease with.
The chorus repeats the simple yet powerful phrase “I wanna go home”, emphasizing the singer’s desire for a sense of belonging and comfort. The verses reveal that she has been writing letters to her loved one, but feels that her words are inadequate and cannot express the depth of her emotions.
The bridge of the song introduces the idea that even though the singer is fortunate enough to travel to different places, she still feels a sense of displacement and yearning for a place to call home.
Overall, “Home” is a poignant and relatable song that speaks to the universal human desire for a sense of belonging and connection. Huang Cui Shan’s emotive vocals and the simple yet effective lyrics make this song a powerful and moving piece of music.