蔡徐坤 – Pull Up – 歌曲的含义

e’s a sense of desperation and vulnerability in the lyrics of “Pull Up” by Cai Xukun. The chorus, with its repeated “Whoa, oh oh oh oh” creates a sense of urgency, as if the singer is crying out for help. The opening lines, “Didn’t think I’d be here, lost my way but can you help me?” set the tone for the rest of the song, which is about feeling lost and searching for a way out.

The verses describe the singer’s struggles with his own mind, as he feels like he’s been “drifting down, down, down” and can’t sleep at night. He’s been going around in circles, unsure of how to break free from his own thoughts. The line “I was so lost, confused, didn’t know why, who, how to pull through” is particularly poignant, as it captures the feeling of being completely overwhelmed and helpless.

The chorus calls out for someone to “Pull Up” and save the singer from his own thoughts and actions. It’s a cry for help, a plea for someone to come and rescue him from his own despair. The repetition of the phrase “Pull Up” reinforces this sense of urgency and desperation.

Overall, “Pull Up” is a powerful song that captures the struggles of mental health and the need for support from others. It’s a reminder that we all need help sometimes, and that it’s okay to ask for it. The song’s emotional intensity and raw honesty make it a standout track on Cai Xukun’s album.

@@来自AI歌词鉴赏(AIGC): 蔡徐坤《Pull Up》 歌词及评论赏析